Music-Bar project - Dead Men Gods

Mikael Hansson EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Oct 25 00:25:44 CEST 2008


Now, anyone interested can download the 
Micke-Romain-Martin-Matt(?)-Gert-Anyone else?-project files from my FTP.

User: hammonguest
Pw: qu8tp4

I haven't had time to listen through all separate wav-tracks but there 
shouldn't be any problem. If you find anything just let me know and I'll 
fix it.
The ftp contains three different rar-archives:

Contains three separate submixes of guitars, synths and drums.

dmg_project.partXXX.rar (split into 31 parts)
Contains all sounds on separate tracks including the three submixes from 
above. It also contains an OMF reference file.

Full Stereo Mix.rar
Well it contains just the original stereo :)

Romains vocals will be added at a later date.


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