Working on a track...

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Oct 16 23:58:23 CEST 2008

Mikael Hansson schreef:
> ...and would love some input!
> <>
> It's present at a very rough state. Parts are in no particular order, no 
> mixing has been done and it has the same drumpattern everywhere.
> Some questions:
> * Is the 4-bit drums too annoying?
> * Is the guitar too NO-ish? :)
> Anything else you come to think of!

Ah, another nice track in the making!

OK, here's my opinion:

* I don't like the sound of the 4-bit drums. Apart from the fact 
that it's a matter of taste, I feel they don't fit the song very 
well. BUT: that might change, of course, if you mix the thing 
well and give all the sounds their own space in the frequency 
spectrum. At the moment it's just like there's something 
distorting badly in the background.

* The guitar does indeed sound a bit like New Order, but that is 
also a result of the song, and what the heck, it's a great 
addition. Personally I wouldn't mind too much. Just play whatever 
you like. If you work on it for six weeks to get it changed, 
there's always someone else who will say it sounds just like the 
Cure ;-)


G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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