Dirty Little Democracy

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Oct 15 17:52:26 CEST 2008

Matt Picone schreef:
>> BTW, the vocals are doubled/tripled nearly everywhere in the track
> Yes, I've taken this into consideration. Part of the story is that I 
> rushed to release it by 10/15, and I really would like to be able to 
> know and sing it better eventually. I'm extraordinarily self critical 
> and the doubles are like vocal magic feathers.
> It's just so sad that system sharing hasn't gotten to the point where a 
> mixing session can't be done transcontinentally. Single person 
> productions suffer from the same kind of limits on the creative spectra 
> that single synth tracks do in the sonic ones.

I think that depends. Certain people have the greatest ideas, but 
they just can't seem to work together - not that they argue all 
the time, but nothing comes out of their hands. If they spread 
the work, the results can be awesome.


G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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