Who wants a job at Ableton?

Tue Oct 7 16:32:46 CEST 2008

Jay Vaughan wrote:
>>> The shoes
>>> don't *have* to be clean in Austria
>> What does this mean, J? It's the second time in my life I've heard  
>> this turn of phrase.
> *Some* (not all) classes of Austrian absolutely insist that your shoes  
> be clean before you enter the house.  The reason this is weird is  
> because you take your shoes off inside the house anyway, in a little  
> "fore-room" designed for the purpose - but the difference between a  
> "BoBo" (Bohemian Bourgeouis) and a non-BoBo is whether your shoes are  
> clean enough to wear, even so ..
> Believe me, there are times I wish I was BoBo.
> But the funny thing is, some Austrians can climb a mountain and still  
> have clean shoes.

Reminds me of another story... I was having breakfast, seated with my legs crossed at an outdoor cafe in Salzburg. My shoe was touching part of the chair. The house matron WHOPPED my foot (I think with a stack of menus) and sternly said, "We are clean here in ze morningk!!"


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