drunknesfunk comp
Gert van Santen
Mon Oct 6 11:24:29 CEST 2008
M-.-n schreef:
> Yeah, sure. Take the challenge:
> Since you are not going to be working with the pig, the restriction
> would then be that you are not using any other synth/source than
> samplers using the samples. And if you really want to take the challenge
> at the same level, you should allow yourself no general FX
> (reverb/delays/..) so basically only allow synthesis from the sample
> pack and the whatever 20K of custom sample you have to your disposal.
> I'd love to see what you get out of that because it might give me some
> ideas for the future development.
OK. I will download the samples and put the challenge in my
calendar for when I'm ready with this job (in about 3 weeks. I'll
post the result to the music-bar when/if I get it done.
One last question. Does lgpt have any fx?
G e r t v a n S a n t e n
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
work: www.gertvansanten.nl
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band - www.waveworld.tv
artist - www.myspace.com/pbalris
band - www.myspace.com/dehufters
pictures - www.flickr.com/photos/pbalris
diary - http://room2move.wordpress.com
literary - http://leunstoelfilosoof.wordpress.com
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