This is wierd: Dell laptops to have ARM "sub-processor"..

Fri Oct 3 13:46:20 CEST 2008

So the next generation of Dell laptops are going to have an additional  
'sub-processor' onboard that allows them to boot quickly to a separate  
quick-booting linux system to do web, email, attachments and stuff  
like that .. giving 'multi-day' battery life ..

The question: could this be the end of Vista?  I mean, if people get  
used to using their little linux 'mini-system' for a majority of the  
tasks on their laptops, why bother with Vista at all?

Its mind-boggling, how things are going with Linux these days.  I'm  
going to be very curious about these laptops .. will check them out as  
soon as I get a chance.

Jay Vaughan

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