I'll be streaming live form Hamburg next week (Wed&Sat)

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Nov 30 23:04:44 CET 2008

Mikael Hansson schreef:
> K9 Kai Niggemann wrote:
>> did you actually have enough patience to get to the music? was there  
>> sound during the talking?
> Yes there was sound all the time. Normally I understand a german 
> conversation but it was hard to hear everything due to the sound quality 
> so I had a conversation with Gert instead during the waiting :)

Yep. True.

I missed a big part of the show because my steak was done!


>> we had to kill some time before Austria was ready to go -- sorry about  
>> that... I hope you liked the concert - it was very well received by  
>> the live-audience..!
> It was an interesting show. Would have loved to hear it at the source 
> though.

Hope to check the youtube soon...



G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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