303 demo

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Nov 30 23:00:22 CET 2008

punkdISCO schreef:
> Hey all
> Just did this for the AH boyz.  Every sound is 303, even the drums.  The 
> only effects/processing are:
> 1)       last note in the track has a delay because the ending was a 
> little severe
> 2)       the is a bus compressor doing about 3dB of work
> Nothing special. For once, I did the audio in a few hours (unlike the 
> frickin video!)   It is NOT a punkdisco track!
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG5EHYnq9dE

Very nice!!



G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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