Why do you look so sad - v0.9

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Nov 29 17:08:39 CET 2008

Mikael Hansson schreef:
> Gert van Santen wrote:
>> I like it a lot. There still isn't enough space for the vocals in 
>> the freq spec, though. This makes it sound as if the vocals are 
>> not loud enough. Check it out, and perhaps add some extra 
>> compression (to the vocals).
>> Great track :-)
> Thanks Gert!
> I'm not used to mixing for vocals but I'll try to put myself in some 
> mixing sessions with this one and see what happens.
> I read some articles on vocal engineering last week and I've tried to 
> follow them.
> First I put a HP filter to cut out the bottom end and then I put two 
> compressors in the vocal chain, one with 4:1 ratio and, what I can 
> understand of it, about 6-8db gain reduction. This was then followed by 
> an 8:1 compressor with a rather high threshold just to level out the 
> remaining peaks.
> Then I had an EQ to sculpt the sound a bit and then it was time for 
> Melodyne to do it's magic, most was listenable before but there was some 
> notes that were a semitone off, mostly on bent phrases. I also reduced 
> the volume of the breathing noise. The result was bounced to new tracks.
> After that I added delays and reverbs and in some cases some more EQ. 
> The chorus is for instance the original recording with the new one cut 
> at 300Hz put under it adding some extra prescence.

Wow!! You did a lot of work on your track - awesome!
I must say - you can really hear it :-)

Seeing you did quite a bit of compression on the vocals, I just 
don't understand why they are still a bit "snowed under"
Try to make a dip in the other instruments at around 2kHz 
(depends on the voice character). Not too much, just a bit. It 
might work :-)

Meanwhile, keep the good work going :-)


G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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