
Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Nov 29 13:12:33 CET 2008

Martin Naef schreef:
> The Dong wrote:
>>> No Bluetooth. Some "tranceiver" 2.4 GHz. 10 meters. Very nice.
>> If it's 2.4Ghz, it probably is Bluetooth or wifi.
>> Taking a stab, at only 10 metres range it IS Bluetooth, but obviously 
>> the company has modified, or integrated, drivers to obscure this.
> Erm, there are a few more 2.4GHz systems out there that are neither. 
> Zigbee comes to mind. Of course, they're not *fundamentally* different, 
> but enough not to be called bluethooth or WiFi.
>> Even without coding knowledge, it is quite easy to modify any midi gear 
>> wireless using available serial drivers and Bluetooth serial modules. No 
> Of course. Nonetheless, the Tranzport seems to offer a bit more than 
> your average MIDI controller for a reasonably amount of money.

I think it's great in combination with a laptop :-)



G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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