A new idea - stage 2

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Nov 24 00:59:06 CET 2008

Mikael Hansson schreef:
> Gert van Santen wrote:
>> I don't mean the Sample&Hold sounds that are both in the 
>> beginning and at the end, but the melody like sounds that are 
>> only in the beginning. It's nothing big, though, just a feeling.
> I guessed that's what you meant. I'll probably just skip them and start 
> 8 bars later with the synthsound.

Remember, it's just a feeling. If you like it - leave it :-)

>> I like your voice a lot for this style. I don't know if you sing 
>> often, but I'm quite sure you could get better fast :-)
> I haven't seriously sung into a microphone before, well not anything 
> that's been worth saving. I'll occasionally sing in the car though :)

Some people just have that special something...

I've sung in a band for years, but it sucked (it was just that we 
hadn't anyone else then ;-)

Nevertheless I'm planning to try again soon. I guess my voice 
should have matured very nicely after all these... errr... 
years... ;-)


G e r t   v a n   S a n t e n
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