I'll be streaming live form Hamburg next week (Wed&Sat)

Sat Nov 22 15:22:56 CET 2008

> Saturday Nov 29th at 7pm (19:00Uhr) (at this show one of the ensemble
> members will perform from Krems in Austria -- Jay, I have no idea how
> far that is from you, but let me know if you are interested in
> attending there!)

woo, i would love to make it but i believe i am going to be swamped  
for the next 3 weeks moving house!

we got snow today, its awesome, and i'm hoping for a lot more, but as  
long as i get the move done first!

> If you happend to catch the stream, please let me know what you
> think...!

i will put it straight away on my iphone and listen to it .. i'm sorry  
i missed the stream, would be nice to have the iphone 'just play'  
scheduled streams when its supposed to, hmm ..

Jay Vaughan

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