I can't believe...

Chris Strellis EMAIL HIDDEN
Mon Nov 17 12:27:00 CET 2008

Hi Tony,

> As an aside, three days ago, the first ever *images* of planets
> our
> solar system were announced. I think about the signal processing, the
> enthusiasm, and the philosophical implications of this.
> I mean, it's a *picture* right!? Of *THREE* planets, not in our solar
> system.

Thread hijacking!

Well yes absolutely fantastic news.  Some amazing interferometery and
clever processing to actually resolve a star to a disc and then it's
planets to a disc (instead of a point source!).

The main feature of this optical picture is that the planets are
orbiting a STAR.  The previous 300 or so exoplanets were orbiting brown
dwarfs or "star-like" i.e not "proper" suns.

This is the first view of planets around sun-like stars, a proper


But don't go thinking about extra terrestrials now....



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