congratulations world! :)

Don't t(h)read on my tentacles, Earthling! EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Nov 6 01:04:16 CET 2008

Le 5 nov. 08 à 15:31, Ron West a écrit :
>> but Prop8 won too in California and it's :'(
> i can not believe that people voted yes on that.

They did (to protect the family… as if it was in danger)

Le 5 nov. 08 à 15:57, Joost Schuttelaar a écrit :
> Very black mark on a historic day.

I can almost hear the complains of friends that got just married in  
SF, what's their situation now? There's been about 17000 weddings  
under the gay mariage opened window in CA.

Le 5 nov. 08 à 16:47, The Dong a écrit :
> I can't understand why anyone gets married these days, it's just  
> asking
> for a lot of trouble somewhere down the line. And a bunch of big  
> bills.

In order to have the right to divorce and fight over the dog  
ownership. ^^

More seriously, here, it's a question of equality and respect. (it's  
so boring to be about that, why can't we fight over the right to kill  
and plunder, way more fun!)

Denis H]
Je hais le ouifi

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