congratulations world! :)

Andrew Robinson EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Nov 5 13:28:57 CET 2008

2008/11/5 Ron West <ronwest at>:
>> I wish he'd won
>> without the Democrats taking congress too
> yea, that's just what this country needs is more gridlock and nothing
> getting done.
> cough.

The first rule of politicians is 'never let them DO anything'. Blair
put through an absolute mountain of legislation over her because he
had a huge majority in Parliament and there was no way of getting
anything stopped/changed/discussed. If he'd been restrained to just
the sensible and well drafted stuff, (or even just the stuff in the
manifesto) we'd be a lot better off.

- Andy_R

(oh and one more LoLpolitics link because I cant resist:

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