reliability, please check

Fri May 16 10:34:08 CEST 2008

>> Sometimes it's frustrating not being an IT  person...
> Most of the time, it's frustrating to be one, so count yourself  
> lucky. :)

Yesterday I got my first version of the new hardware for which I'm  
writing firmware, and all I can say is it freakin' rocks to be getting  
stepping-A revisions from Intel on chips they haven't announced to the  
world yet, and it also rocks to do 2-of-3 safety setups with SOC ..  
but what really, really rocks, Peter, is that today I walked past our  
rather large and constantly busy lab environment and noticed that  
someone was setting up a monster hobby train-set with multiple tracks  
and switched segments with which to demonstrate/test the interlocking  
upgrades that are going to be made available in 2 years on our new  
platform .. couldn't help but smile to myself as I realised that I'm  
now being paid to play with trains.  ;)

Jay Vaughan

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