Video - Banned by YouTube. "Mickey Mouse is Dead"

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed May 7 23:13:21 CEST 2008

punkdISCO schreef:
> The oppressors at YouTube banned the first version of this video because 
> the "submission violates our Terms of Service on pornography, obscene or 
> defamatory material". So, here is our heavily edited, bits re-recorded, 
> clothes added, and hopefully "YouTube friendly" version.
>  [Mickey Mouse is Dead - I 
> like to think that nothing we do is work safe]

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! But a bit too short. I mean, I want at least 3 

I did think I saw a nipple, though ;-)

Oh, I must say it again: AWESOME!!!!!!!! Now when is that album 
coming out?



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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