External Instrument Tracks in Live 7

Michael Zacherl EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu May 1 11:21:18 CEST 2008

On May 1, 2008, at 11:13 AM, deeplfo wrote:

> I got all excited about Live 7's External Instrument tracks.
> If you have external synths that you have plugged in your desk,  
> routed to your sound cards, and recorded them  as a separate audio  
> channel in Live, and *then* applied what ever other tweaks to that  
> audio in that newly created channel...you can now save  almost %50  
> in your workflow if you use Live's External Instrument track.
> Double click on the External Instrument in the system browser pane,  
> select the midi out port and input audio channel.  Now, you can just  
> insert any audio processing right there on that track.  You can even  
> send bank and program select messages, so each clip can be  
> programmed to any bank/program on the external synth.  Creating the  
> flow, the Live way :-)

... yup, like inserting a modular synthesizer.  :-D

     love it, Michael.

nonconform? noiseconform: http://blauwurf.at

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