talking about Jean Michel Jarre...

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Mar 26 22:13:18 CET 2008

Martin Naef schreef:

> I think a lot of the JMJ thing lies within the novelty but in an easily 
> accessible form. When the novelty wore off, he made big and impressive 
> shows. People like to be entertained, and he delivered. But it's hard to 
> keep up the "new" thing, and big shows grow beards too. Now the current 
> tour again is something different, even if it recycles the old music. 

For me, it was always about the music. The big shows were nice, but when 
you're back home again, there's just the CD. And if I listen to the 
music, I still like (most of) Chronologie. Especially Chronologie 4, 
which is so brilliantly produced, brings out a real emotion.

'Calypso' from 'Waiting for Cousteau' is a great track; the rest of the 
album is so-so. Even though 'The emigrant' constantly changes key 
(something that I haven't heard done nearly as well in other songs), all 
in all it leaves me a bit empty.

Oxyg?ne 7-13 was very well produced, had some nice songs, but everything 
after that album is... bland.

> None of those things ever relied on him being a virtuoso musician...

Nope, with a bit of practice, even I would be a better player. :)

- Peter

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