talking about Jean Michel Jarre...

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Mar 26 13:19:11 CET 2008

Martin Naef schreef:
> Hi Gert
> Gert van Santen wrote:
>> After seeing The Cure?s brilliant show last week, JMJ was a nice
>> evening out with my good friend Rolf, although a bit disappointing at
>> times, and, music-wise, sometimes even boring.
> Well, it must be quite a change from 80's anxiety and power to JMJ 
> electronica...

Well, there was a week in  between... ;-)

>> Jarre himself, although not a great live player, behaved like he was
>> God?s gift to music audiences. Some of the stuff he did, was too
> How was the audience reaction? In Glasgow, people were extremely 
> enthusiastic even before he started, so there is obviously a sizeable 
> number of people who do think he's god's gift... ;-)

The public was very enthusiastic. I'm 
sure almost everyone enjoyed the show 

> JMJ was the typical "classic music" rate. Given the special nature of 
> the show, I didn't mind the price so much. I wouldn't compare it against 
> a typical stadium rock concert.

I guess you are right about that. I am 
definitely happy to have seen him live, 
because he still is one of the great 
synth guys. I won't go see him again, 
though, if he would, say, do a 30th 
anniversary Equinoxe tour.




G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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