Short story

Wed Mar 26 12:02:38 CET 2008

Gert van Santen wrote:
> It will be translated into English later.

Babelfish almost makes it like a serious Stanley Unwin reading ;)

"Short tale - March 2008

A short historie of god, the universe and the schepping

Download this short tale as pdf

There was once, a very long time ago, infinitely large nothing. Nobody 
knew where it came from or where it stopped, but it universe was called, 
and the rumour went that there had been always and that was unlimited. 
In that unfathomable nothing was this way far you looked at seeing 
stofje still no, and even if very very strong telescopes had existed, 
with that nothing have been absolutely observed.

But after tijdje - to give an indication: it a billion to the miljardste 
will be suffered year to have been - in all that nothing started 
movement come there. Perhaps partitioning had affected of it concerning 
the vacuum from assessment so that there high - and lagedrukgebieden had 
arisen, and a can on a random card shows what there then happens.

Anyhow, in all angles and breaches minuscule bits started make oneself 
adventurous nothing loose of the surrounding vacuum and slowly by 
floating the space. There was natural see nothing, but a malignant 
astronomer from the Flemish Wondergem is there recently in successful a 
formula wrapped using calculate that it must be gone roughly 
approximately this way."

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