so we're gonna make our own reactable ..

Søren Knudsen EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Mar 18 17:28:25 CET 2008

> .. details here:

Hmm... looking at the pictures and the parts list, I have some comments:

Make sure that you position the camera such that no direct reflection from
the projector in the surface material is reaching the ccd. - the same btw
goes for the ir leds (which are the exact same as the ones I used).

Make a sturdy frame and surface, as even minor bends of the surface will make
the 'static' image change

Make sure that there will be no ir shadows from the surface mounts.

Comprende? :)

If I were to do a table (again) I would choose chipboard (to make it sturdy)
as the 5 'table' surfaces (bottom and sides) and use a larger acrylic plate
to position on top. This would make shadows from the mounts impossible. I
would choose as thick a surface material as possible (> 2 cm if possible,
maybe by laying a fully transparent (but still non-reflective surface below)
to avoid elasticity. - I still have no clue how I would obtain an even ir
light distribution, but directing the leds towards a white painted bottom and
lots of diffusing paper springs to mind...

I choose to design 'my' table with easy packaging in mind by using aluminum
profiles, but I ended up with a table too difficult to disassemble to ever
leave the room it was assembled in (in a nutshell).


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