Now this is jazz!

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Mar 14 10:05:13 CET 2008

Chris Strellis schreef:
>> Now I'd like to see some synth parodies,
>> say OMD or Jean Michel Jarre. Or what
>> about Madonna...?
> With Melodyne this will be a walk in the park!

You are so right!! Oh, man! This is 
going to be so much fun!!!

> Just rearrange the notes!  Best use I can think of for it.
> In fact, I've just invented inverse karaoke! Isolate the real artists
> vocal and put your own poor, home made, backing track behind it.
> Better than karaoke :D

Brilliant!!!! I can't wait!!!



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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