fascinating combo: linux makes movies (with a little mac help)..

Wed Mar 5 10:17:29 CET 2008

Jay Vaughan wrote:
> haven't seen spiderwick yet, but i guess i'll check it out now ..

Trailer looks, oookkk, if you are still eight at heart..

"Most films produced today bring twangs of deja vu, swiftly followed by 
confirmation of duplication. It's almost at the stage where every movie 
might as well be called 'Another Film part X' and it doesn't matter 
which version of 'Another Film part X' you go to see, you will leave the 
cinema with the same impression of being hood-winked by lazy college 
students who have never submitted anything that wasn't plagiarised to 
overseers who couldn't care less. Either that, or I'm mental." - G!

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