
Peter Korsten EMAIL_HIDDEN
Sat Mar 1 00:41:55 CET 2008

Joost Schuttelaar schreef:

> So cut 'n paste :( I need to do something different with my music.  
> Falling into the same patterns. Very much inspired by Andy_R's work.

At the risk of going off on a tangent, but today I finished a course 
called 'Object-oriented analysis and design using UML'. Now, programming 
I've been doing for... 65% of my life (if that isn't scary, I don't know 
what is) and object-oriented analysis and design isn't exactly new to me 

However, this course (and UML) gives you a structured way of going from 
an interview to a skeleton of the code, by following a number of steps. 
So instead of the intuitive approach I've used so far, I can use a 
proven methodology.

Now, back to your music. Presumably, you have an intuitive approach 
there as well, right? And whilst you can get excellent results with that 
approach, it does lock you into a certain way of working.

Maybe you need a different approach. Maybe you need to think outside the 
box, try something completely new. You don't have a follow a strict 
regime like in the example above, just as long as you take a *different* 

If you use a computer, drop it. If you always start with the melody, 
start with the drum and bass lines instead. Take some cutlery from your 
kitchenette and start hitting pots and pans. Record those trams outside 
your window and turn the sound into something different. (Remember what 
my EX5 did with 'Feed the aliens'? You have one too! When was the last 
time you used FDSP creatively?)

Now I would probably be the last person on this list to give you advise 
on song writing - let alone finishing a song - but do you catch my drift?

- Peter

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