live vid from friday's gig

K9 Kai Niggemann EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Jun 22 10:11:55 CEST 2008

On 21. Jun 08, at 10:49 , Michael Zacherl wrote:
> which changed meanwhile obvioulsy ;-)

Very true, we have since found a name..;) We also have a myspace: 
  -- we have a few pictures up, but will need to add music (see  

> I like that!  :-)
> Looks like it was a lot of fun to gig there too?!

Yes, that's a great palce and we have so far played six gigs there,  
with another to come on the 4th of July in Duisburg at the Traumzeit- 

But we played our first real gig at an aftershow party at a local  
theater. People danced and demanded more music so we played songs  
again for encores -- it was wild and great feedback!

> As Marc already asked - how about a clean version?
> The recorded on-site sound lets a bit to be desired.

Very true. We are currently in the process of building a vocal booth  
for the studio. once that gets done we'll record real-vocal versions  
-- then we'll fire up the audio player..

> I looked up your websites but on it says
>   Audio Player beta
>   An dieser Stelle steht ein auf Flash-basierende Audioplayer.

Well it has more to do with my incompetence of transferring an audio  
player plugin into my sidebar of the site...;) I haven't worked on it  
too much since the audio isn't ready yet...

> which is not the case (I wouldn't have been able to view that video  
> clip) ...
> Just hoped to find something there.

unfortunately... you need more patience..!

> Great concept though.

Thanks for the feedback! there are a few more videos by other bands on  
youtube. just search for "Sozialpalast 2008" (2006 and 2007 work too,  
but it was without the trailer, quite a different concept). They made  
a nice video of my band Resonator from 2006 though:


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