Just felt like putting together a mix of fairly unknown music...

Sat Jun 14 21:14:22 CEST 2008

> True. I was seriously tempted when I realised how cheap they had  
> become.
> The nervous nature of those tiny planes put me off the idea a bit,  
> but I
> might reconsider...

honestly, there's no good reason not to get one of the silverlit  
models for bashing around with, if you love to fly.  they're extremely  
easy to get up and do a circuit, and a lot of fun.  okay, you won't  
have barrel rolls and inverted loops to your name, unless you get one  
of the higher-end models .. actually, scratch that, if you get any  
silverlit at all, go for the mid-to-higher models.  most of the lower  
end aren't actually planes as such (no control surfaces) but are  
instead powered gliders with independent motor control .. whereas the  
higher models at least give you ailerons and elevators, if not a full  
independent rudder.  its up to your flying style.

> I imagine... My planes certainly spent more time on the workbench than
> in the air.

i've been flying all afternoon here in upper-austria, and its just  
been such a blast .. even with a busted tail!  d'oh!  whatever you do,  
do *not* put your silverlit foam fuselage anywhere near some mass  
which will distort its form, nothing worse than having a pitch-heavy  
tail screwing your trim ..

> The bathtub? ;-) Actually, the fun with boats is mostly in the  
> building.
> While taking them for a sail on the pond is a highly relaxing, almost
> meditative activity, it's really the evenings spent on the workbench
> that make them worthwhile.

well, true, but i guess with planes its all about the almost-crashed  
and spin-in-awe moments, imho.  screw building - get out there and  
fly!! :)

Jay Vaughan

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