On this WWDC day

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Jun 11 08:32:25 CEST 2008

Joost Schuttelaar schreef:

> Dude, they sold 6 million of 'em :)

So why are they introducing a new model after only a year, with some 
features (but still not all) that it should have had in the first place, 
at one third of the price?

> Estimates are that, including the AT&T fee, they went for about  
> 600-700 USD (not counting revenue sharing). That's a few billion  
> dollars... within a year, with a new sector of operation. Under- 
> performing in terms of revenue?

I meant revenue in contrast to features, because otherwise I'd get all 
the stuff about its wonderful screen, sync options, etc. And revenue on 
its own doesn't say a thing.

It's clear that the original iPhone didn't perform nearly as well as 
hoped, despite what Jobs says. For some reason, everything he says is 
taken as gospel, and hardly ever do I see an analysis from a news site 
(which cover the iPhone and everything Apple does in detail).

Anyway... so they moved from pure computers to entertainment, and 
thought to carry that over to mobile phones. But that strategy has been 
tried for a few years already, without much success. (Trust me, I've 
been following the business.) Admittedly, without iTunes, but they've 
been fishing in the wrong pond until now.

It has to be seen whether they will be able to grab a piece of the 
corporate market, and their business model (control everything, a single 
provider) doesn't sit very well with that.

- Peter

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