UK Government Petition to lower fuel prices

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Jun 5 13:17:07 CEST 2008

The Dong schreef:
> Martin Naef wrote:
>> Of course, change is slow, but it happens. There's a saying that every 
>> country has the government it deserves.
> But we don't even have a government and are hardly a country.
> The SNP are currently just waiting until the oil runs out ;)

So what do people think of this:

I heard a radioshow about a former pastor for an oil company 
somewhere up in Northern America or Canada. He said that in the 
80's a huge oil field was found, but nobody is supposed to know 
about it, because it would make the idea that oil is scarce and 
should be expensive, complete BS. It is also said that this 
oil-field could provide the whole of the USA with energy for the 
next 200 years. It was also said that the oil that is coming out 
now, is permanently being pumped back into the earth with 74 
Boeing 727 engines...

I know, I know, there's soooo much to be said against this, and I 
have no way to check this - but suppose it's true...



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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