Arduino questions

Mon Jul 28 15:36:11 CEST 2008

> I was thinking that too, if I'm away with work, I can take my  
> macbook and
> this and do some hacking.

I was at the lake yesterday with the wife and kid, hacking away in the  
background on the EEEPC and ArduinoSynth .. so .. the answer is a  
definite yes! :)

> ok, the devices TX is connected to the TX pin and the RX of the FTDI  
> chip,
> this means anything going 'out' of the arduino is also sent to the USB
> interface. Correct?
> Looking at the schematic, that's what the 1K resistors (R9 and R10)  
> are
> for, to stop the USB -> serial device interfearing with the users own
> serial devices.


> ahh, cool, yes it was a misunderstanding.
> This leads to a question, what's the boot loader on the arduino for?

Putting the code in onboard Flash ..

> OR, does the arduino programmer software use the bootloader to do in
> circuit self programing?

Yes, thats exactly what it does!

> Sorry for the potentially dumb-ass questions

Glad you're checking it out! Are you going to make an Arduino synth  
too! :)
Jay Vaughan

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