
K9 Kai Niggemann EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Jul 27 16:33:23 CEST 2008

On 27. Jul 08, at 16:25 , Matt Picone wrote:

> Trying to learn Ableton Live. I did their tutorials but want to go
> farther with loop based jamming. Any suggested resources? Books?  
> Videos?
> People in my geo?

did you try youtube? There is a whole lot of great stuff on youtube

> Also, I own v6. Are v7 or the new plugs worth upgrading to?

I think if you have 6 try using it until you understand why you'd need  
7. I am happy with 6 and have only upgraded after running into  
problems with version 5...

I use Live a lot for live gigging and 6 isn't giving me any troubles,  
so I am sticking to it for now...


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