Focusrite Liquid Mix Opinions?

Sun Jul 20 02:51:44 CEST 2008

--- mnaef at wrote:

>> I mainly use the M3000 for reverb duty.  In terms of multi-effects (not
>> counting plugins), I have a Fireworxs, DP/4, and A1. In addition, I have
>that's your take on the DP/4? Mine is highly underused (it lives its 
>solitary life in the guitar FX rack at the moment...), and I can't quite 
>decide whether I should make an effort to dig deep or ditch it instead...

I love mine.  I've owned two over the years.  I mainly use it for disembodied mangling of sounds.  I love running stuff through the distortions and then puffing it out with feedback and then through the verbs and delays.  Anytime I want a sound broadcast at low bit rate with tons of data loss through space, I turn to the DP/4.  I really like all the effects except the phaser which you can hear a mile away.  For the price, there is a ton under the hood.  It really isn't too bad to program.  If nothing else, have a 4 channel delat unit for $400 US is a steal.  Although, for delays, I have an absurdly large stanck of dedicated units.

>> phasers, delays etc. The problem with the M3000 is that it is really meant
>> more for broadcast post production.  If I wanted a reverb that sounds
>> *exactly* like the inside of a car, or my living room, the M3000 is aces.
>> However, I find the precision to be a little sterile for music.  I'm
>Interesting observation. I does sound relatively dry, yet I find that it 
>opens up spaces beatifully without cluttering the mix. Given that I like 
>to throw tons of reverb at my electronic mixes, that suits me.
>It also works particularly well on classical recordings where you'd want 
>a natural sound instead of an "effect". I compared against some 
>convolution presets from Samplitude 8 and the M3000 won every time hands 

I need to spend some more time with the M3000 but it really looks like I'm going to pull the trigger on the KSP8 really soon.

James R. Coplin

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