iPhone Beat Maker

Tue Jul 15 21:03:53 CEST 2008

> Lol... what a piece of bollocks. Worth it ? I thought you'd be more  
> critical
> than that jay !
>> I'm gonna get an iPhone just for this app.  Its worth it.

Well, the thing that pushed me over the edge was todays faults  
discovery on the Freerunner, man.  Its really a pity - the SD card  
integration is really crippling the phone.  For one, the Glamo chip is  
utterly useless (no 3D acceleration) if you want to do sustained i/o  
with the SD card at the same time, and for two, its now been  
discovered that the SD card influences GPS reception.  So, thats  
pretty lame.

Whereas, the iPhone is .. well .. operational.  And I can get one  
today instead of waiting another few weeks for the [borked] Freerunner  
to arrive ..

Jay Vaughan

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