iphone g3 launch in holland.. watch it live

Andrew Robinson EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Jul 11 14:01:43 CEST 2008

Here in the uk, o2 have totally screwed up the ordering process, I was  
11th in the queue and got the last 16gb one they had, over 2 hours  
after I went Into the shop. Forum reports say I was lucky, o2's  
software *requires* IE on windows, so if you try to buy at an  
applestore staff are stuck running parallels on demo macs rather than  
using tills! Bluewater has reportedly managed to sell 3 phones in the  
last 3 hours.

Following the online order fiasco earlier in the week, it's clear that  
O2 shouldn't me trusted to run a bath, let alone a phone network.

Still at least I got one!


sent from iPhone 3g :-)

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