wet - ugly

Michael Zacherl EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Jul 9 07:23:25 CEST 2008

On Jul 9, 2008, at 7:20 AM, Paul Maddox wrote:

> Michael,
>> so what's the tendency?
>> I'm packing my stuff and till Sunday it looks rather wet ...
> It's weird at the moment.
> It's very warm and muggy, and it's either bright sunshine or it's  
> raining
> REALLY heavily. Think 'monsoon' and you're along the right lines.
> The 5 day forcast for the weekend has the same forcast for weather,  
> so bring
> a t-shirt, and a rain coat, you'll need both, and probably at the  
> same time.

yeah ... that's what I'm about to do ... leaving for the airport in 40  
minutes!   :-D


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