Q: iTunes' MP3 Tags

Andrew Robinson EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Jul 8 21:06:10 CEST 2008

2008/7/8 Michael Zacherl <mubar-03 at blauwurf.at>:
> What's the difference in meaning between the "Artist" and the "Album
> Artist" tags?

It's for compilation albums. They can have different artist names for
each track, instead of just an 'Album artist' like normal album.
Compilations by various artists can use the Album artist to indicate
the name of the compiler. For example 'Goldie presents yet another
D'n'B compilation vol 37' would have 'Goldie' as the album artist, and
'roni size', 'photek', 'aphrodite' and so on as artists.

- Andy_R

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