what's cooking?

Wed Jul 2 19:56:56 CEST 2008

Ron West wrote:
> most culinary herbs are the easiest plants to grow gert - they LOVE to
> be abused! they grow great in poor soil, don't need water like veg
> plants do, don't need fertilizer...

If potting up, use an organic fertiliser in with the soil and they will 
grow fast, depending on what it is. Don't use a chemical fertiliser, 
obviously :)

I potted up mixed greens, mostly rocket, just like the salads we get in 
bags here for £1+ in the shops. It takes only 2-3 weeks from seed before 
you can start plucking the biggest leaves off. The plants keep spouting 
for months and if your pot is wide enough, you can eat these salad 
things every other day without ruining the plants.

I also potted the typical parsley (takes weeks to germinate) and chives 
a rosemary bush (I wouldn't call it a bush yet, very slow growing, but 
it is a strong herb so only small plucks are needed) and have less 
common things like catnip and sorrel (sorrel grows fast, has a sort of 
fruity, applely taste and can be used in drinks or salads) It looks 
exactly like a common weed round here, but I tasted one of those weeds 
and it burned. Not in a good way ;)

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