Midi keys

Mon Jan 21 12:29:04 CET 2008

Andy Tarpinian wrote:
>> The Edirols are very nice and slim.
> will check it out as it does look slim.

Keys are a personal thing.
I hate the feel of most cheap -synth- controller keyboards.
Most have too much throw and too little sensitivity, leading to heavy 
playing slowed down by 'digging deep'.

The slimline keys of the PCR-M1 I do like.
They aren't anywhere near as good as a better master board with 
semi-weighted or weighted action, but they do have a feel I like, short 
and sweet without hollow rattling, squeaking or that crappy quality 
playing noise!

Maybe others won't like it.
So try to try one out first.

The only down is price.
Shop around. You might find The Eidelon (Edirol) on special (it's 
probably due for a replacement soon)

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