Crippled Snow

Sun Jan 20 22:42:05 CET 2008

> Well, that's the point, isn't it? People use computers with mice  
> and big
> screens because they find it fits their work flow. If you try to hide
> the fact that it's a computer, you have to take bits away (the mouse?
> the screen?) and it won't fit your work flow any longer.

balderdash^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H... ermm.. i mean .. i know plenty of  
computing systems which *never* interrupt the flow, and which have  
superlative control systems which are far superior to the mouse/ 
keyboard/screen paradigm.  computers do not need such eye-sucking,  
finger-bending, elbow-greasing persnickety.  humans do.

Jay Vaughan

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