Crippled Snow

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sun Jan 20 20:55:40 CET 2008

Jay Vaughan schreef:
>> Access also don't impress me but only because I personally am not  
>> interested
>> in their sound/interface etc.

> I don't care any more.  I think the DIY guys are doing far more  
> interesting things now.  And unless Access make hardware steps in the  
> near future that *really* push things further, in a fun, creative,  
> playful way, I don't think I'll be bothered ..

I can see where you're coming from.

OTOH, if I look back to where I came 
from - playing acoustic 
guitar/piano/flute in the seventies, and 
electric guitar/synth starting from the 
eighties and onwards - I feel that there 
are so many new things today that allow 
me to make my own music in so many 
different ways in exchange for such a 
reasonable investment, that I honestly 
can't complain at all.

I'm sure extremely cool new developments 
will go on, but it's not like in the 
meantime we don't have gear to make 
music - and to me, making music is still 
what it's all about.
And things like those lightning cubes 
that have to be moved and placed on some 
surface to make sound; I think they are 
funny, but, to be honest, rather boring. 
And if they'll invent some new edible 
synthesizer particles that make sound 
while being digested during peristalsis, 
I don't think I would really care ;-)



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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