Most stupid hit songs ever?

K9 Kai Niggemann EMAIL HIDDEN
Thu Jan 17 19:30:08 CET 2008

I doubt anyone would even know this, I'm not even sure it's the right  
band or songname:

Scout "Disco Beat"

it's a song with a cough in the beat and the cover was a drawn  
Neanderthal grooving with a ghettoblaster on his shoulder... I  
couldn't find it on youtube (or anywhere else). I think the band was  

but while searching for it, I found the vidoe of the first record I  
bought myself:
Savage Progress - "My Soul Unwraps Tonight".

I still think it's good, but *boy* does it sound like 80s plastic...;)


On 17. Jan 08, at 19:01 , Peter Korsten wrote:

> The Dong schreef:
> Oh, my missed chance at taking a decisive lead!
> - Peter
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