cool .. make your own monome controller ..

Wed Aug 20 20:27:16 CEST 2008


> You think people will be happy paying >$2000 for a knob-box they could
> have built themselves for $100?

Sorry, on what planet?

MINIMUM spend for a controller is $250, you need knobs, switches,
LEDs, micros, PCBs and tools.

If you're compareing a $2000 midi controller (I can't think of one to
be honest) then to get even close to the same feature set you'd be
spending like $3000.

the *MAJOR* cost of any synth related DIY is the interface, looks at
Defender, the panel is going to cost me over $400 in parts. Let alone
the time to program it and debug it.

the *REASON* for DIY is not saving money, it's creating something new
and unique. Anyone who thinks it's cheaper is fooling themselves.

Sorry, just adding a touch of realism.

BTW, I'm all for DIY that creates *NEW* like the monome and aruinome,
but reinventing the wheel? nah, that's boring and pointless.


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