Just blowing off some steam...

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Aug 16 17:02:32 CEST 2008

Peter Korsten schreef:
> Tony Scharf schreef:
>> You know, this has been my exact experience with every wifi router I
>> have owned.  at some point, they just up and die for no reason I can
>> surmise and with absolutely no warning..though it does seem to happen
>> right around the time new faster wifi standards start making it into
>> products....hmm...
> I've had only one router partially die on me so far (the WAN port and a 
> LAN port), and that's because it got hit by lightning. (The modem and 
> one Ethernet port on my PC were toast as well.)

I'm glad I could trace the problem back to my router. It would 
have been more of a problem if I wouldn't have been able to use 
my modem this weekend.

It's weird. 10 years ago, I did not do much with internet. 15 
years ago I was not even aware of the possibilities - and now I 
can't live without it... ;-)



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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