your daily routine

Thu Aug 14 18:22:39 CEST 2008

Ron West wrote:
> while on the subject of nutrition and fitness i'm curious to know what
> the daily choices of those that consider themselves fit are. what food
> do you eat? vitamins? exercise?
> if anyone is interested i can list the supplements, food, exercise,
> habits, etc that make up my lifestyle.

Exercise-wise: I commute to work by bike 3 or 4 times a week which adds 
up to 6-8 hours a week of cycling.  On the other days walking between 
stations adds up to an hour on foot a day.  No strength training though, 
so my upper body is as weak as a kitten.

Diet: Nothing specifically healthy.  Coffee and muesli for breakfast, 
sandwich or a salad for lunch and x with starch (pasta, rice, potato) in 
the evening.  Try to have two or three meat free days every week and I 
cook pretty much everything myself so I know it hasn't been salted or 
sugared more than necessary.

I drink a lot less now than when I was at university, usually a couple 
of beers or wine with food at the weekends with an occasional excessive 
session on a Friday evening.

The upshot of all that is that my weight's steady or slightly decreasing 
without having to really watch what I eat at all.

No vitamins or other supplements any more.  I used to take a 
mulitvitamin every day but I haven't noticed any difference since I stopped.


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