Well, That was Interesting

Peter Korsten EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Aug 13 22:36:56 CEST 2008

Ron West schreef:

> i'm not saying that this is your case in any way but i've found that
> there are lots of people who think they are living healthful lives
> when they are doing anything but. again, i'm not saying that this
> applies to you.

Well, I don't think I'm leading a particularly unhealthy lifestyle, but 
there is room for improvement. Malta has the highest average BMI of the 
entire EU (something like 26.4 I believe) and I'm no exception.

On the other hand, I don't smoke, nor does anybody in my environment 
(although a lung test showed a slightly elevated amount of pollution, 
god knows why), I drink maybe two glasses of (white) wine every two 
weeks, and we eat mostly chicken and tuna - in moderate amounts. Lots of 
pasta, though, plus soya milk, and way too much Coke Zero since recently.

Really really bad: I use the car for *everything*. On the other hand, 
going outside to walk or cycle when it's 33 degrees C (like it'll be 
tomorrow) isn't healthy either. Oh well, maybe next year, if our son 
goes to a different school and I won't have to take him, I can pick up 
cycling again.

- Peter

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