iphone opinon

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Tue Aug 12 00:23:10 CEST 2008

Peter Korsten schreef:
> Gert van Santen schreef:
>> Better cool than efficient! ;-)
> Hah, you're just jealous. :)

Nah. Everyone his own. :-)

> I forgot to add, those five days on the battery are with Bluetooth on 
> 24/7. I'm not sure about WLAN, although it does find it when I want to 
> browse the internet. Perhaps it switches it on just then.
> The E71 is a slightly cooler version of mine, because it has GPS. On the 
> other hand, the screen is smaller and so is the keyboard. And that 
> keyboard isn't very big to begin with. Plus, Ctrl is no longer a 
> separate key, so cut-and-paste is going to be a bit of a bugger.
> I miss the GPS, although I could add that in a separate little thingy 
> over bluetooth.
> It's not an ideal phone; for one thing, it is s_l_o_w. Seriously so. 64 
> MB memory and a maximum of 2 GB on the micro-SD card is also not an 
> awful lot. But then again, it's a communicator, not a gadget phone. That 
> would be the N95, compared to which the battery life of the iPhone seems 
> like an eternity.

I specifically like the iphone for it's awesome user interface. 
Before, I had one of those HTCs with a slide keyboard. Actually a 
great phone/pda. But it had a windows interface, which sucks - I 
only really started seeing this since using the iphone - and it 
was excruciatingly slow. e-mail was sort of OK, but Internet was 
useless, apart from a couple of sites.with 2 words and a 4K picture.

So I'm in love with my ihone. Yup. And it''s a beautiful iPod and 
video machine as well :-)



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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