iphone opinon

Mon Aug 11 10:42:56 CEST 2008

> 1: No copy-paste (duh)


> 2: Battery life only 1-2 days

same with the Freerunner.  Boo!  :(

> 3: Backing up through iTunes can still take quite a while (16 GB)

Plus, don't forget, you do not own that backup.  iTunes does!

Backing up on Freerunner: insert SD card, press 'backup', off you  
go .. put the SD wherever you want, you own it.

> 4: I wish the keyboard would do landscape mode all the time

We have 9 different keyboards in Freerunner land, and your wish could  
be implemented in about 15 minutes.

> 5: I wish there was an SD card slot

Oooh .. this one does suck.  Can't back up over Wlan?

> 6: Connection not always as good as with my last phone
> Everyday life with this thingy is really awesome, though.
> Any other opinions?

I think I will get one, just because all of you guys have one, and I  
want to write apps for pocket-based stuff (w1xer.at) so ermm .. tee  
hee .. can I please join the club?

Jay Vaughan

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