eee pc 901...

Gert van Santen EMAIL HIDDEN
Sat Aug 9 12:07:43 CEST 2008

Jay Vaughan schreef:
>> I'd think it might work, if his expectations arent that high (i.e. you
>> wont be running soft synths or doing big multi-track mixes on it), but
>> it could work for most of what he describes.
> for the fun you can totally run softsynths on the eeepc, just max out  
> the RAM is the main thing, and try not to be too pushy about wall-of- 
> sound style arrangements ..

I'll be installing (only) Ableton Live and Massive, plus some of 
my own sampled drumsounds. Let's see what I can do with such a 
minimalistic set-up. I'm also planning to buy the small Korg Nano 
keyboard as soon as it comes out - the ultimate Music-Bar Jam 
Package... ;-)



G e r t  v a n  S a n t e n
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