Some fun tonight....

Chris Strellis EMAIL HIDDEN
Fri Sep 28 15:22:32 CEST 2007


I'll be showing kids aged 8 to 15 the delights of some of my synths.  It's at a local Baptist Church.  I'm not religious but I know lots of people who are my wife.

Any way, I think there will be some impromptu jamming with a real drum kit, guitars and what not.  I'll be helping them get to grips with analogue and digital synthesis and they can play whatever they like.

I'll be taking my CZ3000, Poly 800 and Yamaha CS-5 analogue monosynth.  I wonder what they'll make of this oh so old fashion technology?  It's all older than they are!

My daughter will be there too - she's 8.....but she's already been indoctrinated to my synthetic ways....bwah ha ha haaaaa....



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