Network question

Mikael Hansson EMAIL HIDDEN
Wed Sep 26 22:03:50 CEST 2007

Paul Maddox (Mail LIsts) wrote:
> Micke,
> HUH????
> So, you're going to run your wifi point without any access control?

Nope, WEP + MAC adress locking as before, no change here.

> You should have this
> Www -> ISP -> ADSP modem -> Firewall -> Switch -> Computers

Alternative 1

> Now, as long as you bolt down access to your wifi, Tony point is mute
> because the only way into your network is through the net, which you've
> protected with the firewall in your adsl modem, or through your wifi point,
> which you've locked down (WEP + MAC address locking).

My modem doesn't have any firewall that I know of, it's not configurable 
, included by my ISP, so I have to use the router as firewall.

> As for speeds, if your switch is only 100Mb, then it won't matter if your
> PCs are 1Gb, they'll only run at 100Mb.

It's a gigabit switch

> If you switch is 10/100/1000Mb then your PCs will talk to each other at top
> speed, whilst the rest of the network runs at a decreased speed.
> Given that wifi is at best 11Mb and ADSL 8Mb, I wouldn't worry about these
> being on a 100Mb link.
> FWIW, a lot also depends on the type of data you're moving around your
> network and the 'backbone' speed of the switch internals. There's a hell of
> a difference between a netgear GS516 and a cisco 3750 :-)

I got a Netgear GS108, it's at least one of their blue models aimed at 
corporate users. Costs only around 100 euro get what you pay 
for is probably applicable even here :-)


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